Additional Resources in Plymouth County
Quincy Family Resource Center
The Quincy Family Resource Center (QFRC) helps families and individuals to access and navigate resources in their communities. The QFRC provides community-based support groups, parenting programs, assessment services, and information and referral resources. Although specialization is with families and children, the QFRC helps all individuals get access to services they may need. QFRC operates through Three Tiers of Support which includes: 1) Assessment and Family Support Planning – personalized, individual support around what resources, assistance and support could be helpful to youth and families with a licensed mental health clinician and Family Partner. 2) Resources and Referrals – assistance to resources and referrals to basic needs, community based services, behavioral health services, and recreational activities. 3) Group and Events – Parenting groups and groups for youth which include LGBTQ+ Youth Group, LEADS program, as well as curriculum based parenting groups and parenting support groups. We also promote, plan and provide community parties and social events.
All services are free of charge and everyone is welcome!
Brockton Community Justice Support Center
The Office of Community Corrections (OCC) is the Massachusetts Probation Service’s intermediate sanction department. The OCC’s mission is to establish intermediate sanctions which offer a continuum of sanctions and services for probation, parole, sheriffs, and the Department of Correction. This interagency and community collaboration supports public safety.