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What is the Hub?

Founded by a collaboration between Plymouth County Outreach (PCO), Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital in Plymouth and Police Assisted Addiction and Recovery Initiative (PAARI) with grant funding by South Shore Health, the Plymouth County Hub uses a team approach to connect all community organizations with the goal of helping individuals and families at most risk for harm in the short term.  In January of 2020, Plymouth County Hub became the first known county-wide Hub in the US, connecting police departments across the county with community providers and resources in a collaborative effort to reduce behavioral health calls.

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The Area Served

The Plymouth County Hub covers the entire county by dividing by the four District Court Regions Each week, a meeting is held for each region. 


Each meeting is made up of providers from all service sectors that seek to help meet the needs of all community members and utilizes a holistic approach to meet the social determinants of health.


The Hub meetings extend to school officials, law enforcement officers, addiction treatment center addiction support providers, mental health agencies, and more with the goal of working together to create strategic interventions for individuals and families in the community that are at risk for harm. 



Building Interagency Relationships

The Plymouth County Hub partners with agencies and departments across the county and facilitates collaboration. This “Team Approach,” commonly referred to as the Hub Model, was developed and used with great success in Canada as well as the city of Chelsea and sections of Boston. This Hub Model brings together collaborations between Law Enforcement, Behavioral Health providers, and other community resource providers to examine social determinants that factor into one’s health and wellness needs.

Risk Factors Considered

Holistic Considerations

Alcohol * Antisocial/Negative Behavior * Basic Needs * Cognitive Impairment * Crime Victimization * Criminal Involvement * Domestic Violence * Drugs * Elder Abuse * Emotional Violence * Gambling * Gangs * Housing * Mental Health * Missing * Negative Peers * Parenting * Physical Health * Physical Violence * Poverty * Self-Harm * Sexual Violence * Social Environment * Suicide * Supervision * Threat to Public Health and Safety * Unemployment

Community Partners

Providing Support for the Social Determinants of Health

* Substance Use Treatment and Supports * Housing Supports * Mental Health Providers * Education Supports * Public Safety Officers * Social Workers * Mobile Crisis Supports * Emergency Department Personnel * Elder Affairs Supports * Transportation Supports * MH & Drug Court * Juvenile Justice Supports * Family Resources * Youth Serving Organizations * Harm Reduction Supports * Shelter/Homelessness Supports * Peer Recovery Supports * Physical Health Supports * and More

Community Outcome Goals

Seeking Upstream Solutions

* Inter-Agency Collaboration

* Increased Knowledge of Community Resources

* Reduction in 911 Calls for Behavioral Health through Proactive Support and Strategic Intervention

* Building Trust Within the Community Through Partnerships between Law Enforcement and Service Providers 




If you would like more about the Hub Model, and how you and/or your organization can become involved, please reach out to Hub Program Manager at

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